Do not clean your windshield with solvent based cleaners such as Windex!
It will cause crazing and void manufacturer warrantee!
Step 1: Make Sure Your Windshield is Level
Measure the inside length of your windshield in the front, and then measure the top front of your console. If they are roughly the same size, then no spacers are needed in the boat windshield installation. However, if the windshield is larger then the console, deduct the console measurement from the windshield measurement to determine how big the spacers will be on all sides. Split this measurement in half!
Step 2: Make Sure Your Windshield is Level on the Console
Windshields normally are the same distance from the top of the console to the bottom of the shield on the front and sides. It helps to stick some masking tape to the boat console on the three sides the same distance down from the top so that you ensure that your shield is level on the console. The picture to the right shows the visual line for mounting.
Step 3: Marking the Windshield
Have a friend hold the windshield on the boat console, making sure that the windshield is level on your tape baseline. Now with a black Sharpee pen, mark the windshield with a spot on the front of the windshield wherever you see the holes in the console.
Step 4: Drilling the Holes
Place the windshield on a table or suitable place for drilling. Put a scrap piece of wood behind the first whole you are going to drill. You can drill at a high RPM, but be careful not to use too much downward force. Let the bit coast its way through the backside of the windshield and into the wood.
Step 5: Mount Windshield to Console
Fold the rubber grommets on one side and push them through the holes in the windshield so that they expand out the back side. Align the windshield up to the console and begin to push the screw through the holes, but not all the way. Then slip the spacers behind the windshield so that the screws go through them. Then to finish the boat windshield installation, begin to tighten the screw into the console so that they are snug.