Please Note: Before proceeding please be sure you have searched our website for your shield before starting this boat center console dimensions measuring process to save time. If you submit a Quote Form for a Windshield that we already offer on our Web Site, we will redirect you to that Windshield to order it there. To search for your Windshield please click here:
Let’s Start Your A, B and C’s…
The first step in measuring your boat center console dimensions to your right. The A- measurement can be taken from the top of your bench seat if you have one or from the deck if you don’t. The B- measurement is taken from the flat sides as close to the front as you can get without measuring on the curve. The C- measurement is the vertical height of the console in the center. As you can see this console has a tapered face shape to it. This is important as the windshield needs to follow this taper on its bends! If your console has no taper to it please give us these measurements anyway.
Notice that this console has a recessed lip around the top edge of the console. It is important that the B- measurement be taken from side to side on top of the console as close to the front as possible without measuring into the curve corner, not on the outside of the second level! See the two pictures to the right and below. If your console does not have a recessed lip then just measure side to side as close to the front as possible without measuring in the curve.

Now the D and E’s…
Here you can see more clearly the B- measurement. Notice it is after the curve turns into the side panel. This applies to all consoles no matter how small or large the corner radius is.The D- measurement is taken from the front of the console to the back of the console or in this case where the lip stops. This is a bit more restrictive as the shield needs to not exceed where the lip stops. This would cause the shield to stick out pass the front of the console if the side of the shield was to long! The E- measurement is taken where the back of the console is, side to side, only as far back as you want the windshield to go! This boat center console dimension measurement determines the back spread of the windshield at its base.

Calculating the Corner Radius…
We are going to simplify this step. You will need a radius chart to do this step. You can Click Here to print out this chart.. Take it to you console, place it on top like the illustration to the right and see what diameter radius your corners are. In this example the radius is 1/2″. After you fill the form out you will need to email it to us with your pictures. You must have Adobe Acrobat Installed on your computer. Click Here for Free Download!

A side Profile…
This next step will determine the backward slant of the console. Some consoles are 90 degrees off the deck and have no backward tilt. Others do lean back but have a 90 degree angle off the front of the console. In these two examples below the windshield will not need to be cut at the bottom on the side wings. It is still mandatory to take these kinds of pictures and forward them to us in your request to be sure.
- You must provide a picture like the ones to the right!
- It must be a straight in shot, not from the top like the one one the left !
- We need this to determine slant angle!

Do you need Spacers?…
Spacers between the console and the shield are very important. They allow for water flush out of debris, act as a shock absorber, and take up space for tolerance issues in measuring during installation.
A 1/4″ spacer is typical in most cases. Pontoon and some bass Boat style consoles that use quick release fasteners do not use spacers.
Available Spacer sizes on the Quote Form are:

Please Note: Before proceeding please be sure you have searched our web site for your shield before starting this process to save time. If you submit a Quote Form for a Windshield that we already offer on our Web Site, we will redirect you to that Windshield to order it there. To search for your Windshield please click here: