Please Note: Before proceeding please be sure you have searched our web site for your shield before starting this process to save time. If you submit a Quote Form for a Windshield that we already offer on our Web Site, we will redirect you to that Windshield to order it there. To search for your Windshield please click here:MARINE BOAT WINDSHIELD MANUFACTURERS
If you do not currently have a windshield on your console, or you have the old shield but did not find it on this Web Site, then complete the form below to request a quote for a new windshield. We do not give quotes sight unseen and with no measurements.
Before submitting your Quote Form, however, you will need to measure your Boat Console, or your Measure Windshield if you have it to ensure a proper fit. UPD Plastics is not responsible for wrong measuring by the submitter of this Form! What you give us is what will be made so make sure you are 100% certain of your measurements. Measurements are Required for a Quote even if you are shipping us your Old Windshield as we need to calculate the amount of material being used and to compare those measurements to our molds.
Due to the high influx in quote requests, please allow several business days for a response. Thank you.
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Asking Question
This email is for general questions only, please. Questions about the below we cannot answer.
1 If you want to find a potential match for your windshield, you will need to first search our website here: UPD Plastics only offers options for a match if we have the old shield in hand (You must have the authorization to send it in first). Please do not send pictures without a quote form asking us to find a matching shield. Customers must perform their own due diligence.
2 If, after searching our website and you do not find a match, please click on the link to submit a quote form on our website so we can help you. Each listing on our website has a link below it for this in blue.
If you are asking another question not related to the above, please Click the link to send us your message, and we will try to answer it as best we can.